SPY OFF: Survive Surveillance - Kindle (amazon.ca)

SPY OFF: Survive Surveillance eBook : Rushwan, Prof. Hamed A. M., A. M. Rushwan, Prof. Hamed: Amazon.ca: Kindle Store

Prof. Rushwan Described many strategies to defeat illegal surveillance around the world, He mentioned many on ground tactics test for 20 years and then published his book in 2015 with Millions of free downloads through the years

With mass feed back expressing the need for ready products as prof. Rushwan used to offer, a huge amount of feed back asked for a ready to use tool against illegal surveillance and phone tracking not a blue print or apparatuses patent pending release to the public

Prof. Rushwan was the first to offer the first Canadian Engine Treatment at Walmart in 1995 through Irap Grant.
professor Rushwan - Google Search
professor Rushwan engine treatment - Google Search
RushStar - YouTube
Thousands sold across 160 Walmart outlet and through Canadian TV commercials.

Prof. Rushwan offered a unique solution to the Canadian Hovercraft industry by offering his invented Hovercraft Teflon Aircushion in 2000 through Irap Grant
 professor Rushwan teflon hovercraft skirt - Google Search 
hovercollege teflon skirt - Google Search
This Unsurpassed invention allowed rescue hovercrafts around Canada to conduct the rescue operations without the fear of being stuck to the Ice in -30c 
The Unique Prof. Rushwan PTFE Teflon Aircushion been Order even during the R&D stage, and been sold around the 5 continents as a one of it's kind invention immaculate with Kevlar for the first time in the Hovercraft history and been featured in the Arabic Wikipedia:
حوامة - ويكيبيديا (wikipedia.org) 

Prof. Rushwan later in Turkey Amalgamated his new invited methodology of creating Nanogold and used it as a transportation vehicle for his wild Ginseng Nano Phyto's that established a powerful treatments in the MiddleEast
Prof Rushwan Wild Ginseng - Google Search

Prof Rushwan also allows free reading for his start-up Technology Business strategies over amazon:

Upon his return to Canada 2021, prof. Rushwan felt the severity of the spread of the Illegal surveillance and in repeated scan from Ontario to B.C. the infection of surveillance spread is severely contagious and harming the public peace silently and he proposed to also stop silently.

SPYOFF, The original Book image